Draft a Report – WBCS Mains Question Paper

Daily Quiz- WBCS Guide

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2021

2. Draft a report on the way privatisation of government sectors can be done in a sensitive and perceptive manner (within 200 words). 40

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2020

2. Draft a report on the poor conditions of roads and public parks in your locality. 40

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2019

2. Draft a report on the scarcity of availability of blood in blood bank as well as risks involved in buying blood from blood banks, despite celebrating ‘Blood Donation Day/Week’ with all pomp and show in almost every nook and corner of the city. 40

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2018

2. Draft a report (within 200 words) on shifting the city-zoo to a suitable place outside the metropolis. 40

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2017

2. Draft a report (within 200 words) on GST roll-out celebration. 40

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2016

2. Draft a report (within 250 words) on environmental pollution.
“Be Careful about Environment”  40

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2015

2. Draft a report (within 250 words) on the problems of immigration and refugees in the world today. 40

WBCS Mains Question Paper – 2014

4. Draft a report (within 200 words) on a disaster caused by fire. 40

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